Who am I?
My name is Petr, I come from the Czech Republic. Presently, I study geography at Dresden University of Technology, before that I studied cartography at the same institution.
As for what do I have in common with the satellite imagery? I was directly engaged with the Copernicus programme as an intern for the Sentinel-1 team at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC). I was tasked to provide a governing mechanism and model development for the Sentinel-1 datasets and I have been working with the remote sensing data on professional level ever since.
Since then I have started to produce high resolution optical imagery as a hobby, mostly locations related to my friends and family then giving those away, so the people would have the opportunity to see their home from space.
As you can tell the production and concept was already there, the only thing left was the publishing. This is where I wanted to cotribute to the general idea of the Copernicus programme, which is to distribute the materials to the public and here it is, my own website.