Copyright Statements
Š.cartography license agreement

Š.cartography is an unregistered logo and is free to use under fair use, educational and non-profit purposes. The contents of the website can be used for private as well as commercial propagation as long as the license agreements on this Page applies.
The contents of this website are free to share and download, if the EU laws, Copernicus trade marks and logo licence and Copernicus license agreement are not violated.
It is mandatory to follow the Copernicus data origin policy following the appropriate instructions.
Š.cartography is not responsible for any damage, loss of profit or accidents caused by an application or usage of the data, products. By using of the contents you agree that you will not use the Site for any illegal or unauthorized purposes that violate any local, national, or international laws.
Copernicus license agreement
Extract from the Legal notice on the use of Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information:
The access and use of Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information is regulated under EU law. In particular, the law provides that users shall have a free, full and open access to Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information without any express or implied warranty, including as regards quality and suitability for any purpose.
EU law grants free access to Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information for the purpose of the following use in so far as it is lawful:
(a) reproduction;
(b) distribution;
(c) communication to the public;
(d) adaptation, modification and combination with other data and information;
(e) any combination of points (a) to (d).
The contents of this this website contain:
modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Copernicus Service information 2016, 2017, 2018.
Legal notice on the use of Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information
Terms of Sentinel Data Hub portals and Data supply conditions
Licence on the Use of the Copernicus Trade Marks and Logos
NASA's Earth Science Data & Information Policy
Extract from the NASA's Earth Science data distribution policy:
NASA promotes the full and open sharing of all data with the research and applications communities, private industry, academia, and the general public.
NASA's Earth Science data and information distribution
Privacy and personal data
No data will be gathered except for a general data of browsing the site for pusrpose of traffic statistics at the website. The only case where pesonal data are provided to Š.catography is at filling sending the contact formular.
Representative responsible for data collection according to the General Data Protection Regulation:
Petr Ševčík
Leopold Weinmayer Str. 19/1/8
3400 Klosterneuburg