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  1. Frankfurt am Main True Color

    Capture time stamp [UTC]: 17-OCT-2017 10:30:21 Spacecraft: Sentinel-2A Map unit: [m] Map projection: UTM 32N EPSG: 32632 South to north border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 49° 55' 32'' N - 50° 16' 57'' N West to east border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 08° 09' 49'' E - 08° 55' 51'' E Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2017.

  2. Frankfurt am Main True Color

    Capture time stamp [UTC]: 10-MAY-2017 10:30:25 Spacecraft: Sentinel-2A Map unit: [m] Map projection: UTM 32N EPSG: 32632 South to north border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 49° 55' 32'' N - 50° 16' 57'' N West to east border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 08° 09' 49'' E - 08° 55' 51'' E Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2017.

  3. Frankfurt am Main Infrared

    Capture time stamp [UTC]: 17-OCT-2017 10:30:21 Spacecraft: Sentinel-2A Map unit: [m] Map projection: UTM 32N EPSG: 32632 South to north border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 49° 55' 32'' N - 50° 16' 57'' N West to east border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 08° 09' 49'' E - 08° 55' 51'' E Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2017.

  4. Frankfurt am Main Infrared

    Capture time stamp [UTC]: 10-MAY-2017 10:30:25 Spacecraft: Sentinel-2A Map unit: [m] Map projection: UTM 32N EPSG: 32632 South to north border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 49° 55' 32'' N - 50° 16' 57'' N West to east border coordinates [bottom-left to top-right corner]: 08° 09' 49'' E - 08° 55' 51'' E Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2017.

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